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  • You can claim the cost of using a car you own when you
    • between separate jobs on the same day (eg from
    your job with a newspaper to your second job as a TV
    • to and from an alternate workplace for the same
    employer on the same day (eg between two TV studios).

  • You generally can’t claim a deduction when using a
    badged or unbadged vehicle provided by your employer,
    unless you covered the cost of fuel, were not reimbursed
    by your employer and the cost was a result of you
    performing your employment duties.
    If you claim car expenses, you can use the logbook method
    or the cents per kilometre method. If you use the logbook
    method, you need to keep a logbook to determine the
    percentage of work-related use for your car. If you use
    the cents per kilometre method, you need to provide a
    calculation of your work-related kilometres and be able to
    demonstrate that those kilometres were work related.


  • You can claim a deduction for the cost of buying, hiring,
    mending or cleaning certain uniforms that are unique and
    distinctive to your job. You can also claim a deduction for
    protective clothing that your employer wants you to wear
    – for example, overalls, thermals, gloves and protective

  • You can claim your costs of laundering occupationspecific
    clothing or a distinctive uniform. If your employer
    buys, mends or cleans your clothing you can’t claim a

  • You can’t claim a deduction for the cost of buying or
    cleaning plain clothing worn at work (eg standard jeans or
    shirts worn under protective coats), even if you only wear it
    to work and even if your employer tells you to wear it.


  • You can claim a deduction for travel expenses if you
    are required to travel away from your home overnight
    to perform your work – for example, travelling interstate
    to conduct an interview. This could include meals,
    accommodation, fares and incidental expenses that
    you incurred and your employer has not provided or
    reimbursed you.

  • Receiving a travel allowance from your employer doesn’t
    mean you can automatically claim a deduction. You still need
    to show that you were away overnight, you spent the money
    yourself, and the travel was directly related to earning your
    employment income.


You can only claim the work‑related part of expenses. You can’t claim
a deduction for any part of the expense that relates to personal use.

  • You must have a record to prove it

  • You must have spent the money yourself and weren’t reimbursed

  • It must be directly related to earning your income


  • You can claim a deduction for the cost of buying, hiring,
    mending or cleaning certain uniforms that are unique and
    distinctive to your job, such as your work shirt with the
    company logo on it. You can also claim a deduction for
    protective clothing that your employer wants you to wear,
    such as a high vis vest.

  • You can’t claim a deduction for the cost of buying or
    cleaning plain clothing worn at work (eg standard jeans or
    a business suit), even if you only wear it to work and even
    if your employer tells you to wear it.


  • You can claim a deduction for the cost of a meal that you
    purchased and consumed during your overtime if your
    employer paid you an overtime meal allowance under an
    industrial law, award or agreement to undertake the

  • You can’t claim a deduction for the cost of meals eaten
    during a normal working day as it is a private expense,
    even if you receive an allowance to cover the meal


  • You can claim the work-related proportion of running
    costs of your home office if you work from home, including
    the decline in value of office equipment, work-related
    phone calls, internet access charges, and
    electricity for heating, cooling and
    lighting costs.

  • You can’t claim a deduction for
    the cost of meals eaten during
    a normal wthe cost of rates,
    mortgage interest, rent
    and insurance

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